Sonic.exe: My mom usually gets the mail.

I'm a total Sonic the Hedgehog fan, much like everyone else who has never seen sonic 0'6. I like the games that suck, but I don't mind playing the actual good games (Also known as the classics) either. I don't think I've played glitchy or hacked games before, but I still might find one because I still play Sonic..
It started on a nice sunny day, where I was playing sonic unleashed (I liked how it sucked) instead of playing outside like a normal kid, until I noticed, out of my peripheral (I don't know what that means, but it sounds fancy) vision, that the mailman came. Now since I was VERY busy, my mom got the mail. There was this loud thumping out side, and also the sound of a fire. But I was still


busy, so I ignored it. I heard the door open, and turned around to see my mother. She told me: "You got some prank mail and a disc. Whoever sent it was imitating your friend Kyle-"
"I don't know a Kyle..." I interrupted.
"Well, let's just call him that." replied my mom.
I was fine with that.
"So I looked at the note and it told me to destroy the disc, so I did. Then I burned it." said my mom
"Okay mom, thanks. Now can you please leave? I'm still


"Okay." she answered.
I don't even know why I told you this, because this whole story was pointless.

''THE END.''